
The 1st platform for the  European Crime Analysis community!

Welcome Crime analysts, this is your new home for getting connected to colleagues, students, analysis experts and more!

Our 3 main sponsors:

Coming soon!
Coming soon!

"Reducing Crime - Prof. Jerry Ratcliffe"
Monthly Podcast 


A monthly podcast featuring conversations with influential thinkers in the police service and leading crime and policing researchers working to advance public safety. Often amusing, often enlightening, always informative. Jerry Ratcliffe (professor and former police officer) chats to a range of international guests covering police, policing, crime science, criminology, criminal justice, and public safety policy. Details and transcripts at


Did you miss the EACA Conference in Malta?

Don't worry too much, we recorded four of the outstanding presentations for you.


Keynote Speech: Hot Spot Analysis for Effectively Informing Hot Spots Policing, Dr Spencer Chainey
Crime in vulnerable neighborhoods in Sweden – making professional knowledge visible
The Dark Web, An Analysis Of The Crimes Perpetrated And Legal Challenges

Fellow Analysts!

My name is Friedrich Steiner, better known as Sam. I’m heading the crime analysis unit Styria/Austria from the beginning in 2005. Since many years I’m worldwide involved in learning, teaching and networking.

During the last years many Euopean colleagues asked me to set up an association with a special focus on the European needs, but still connected to the analysis scene on other continents. The European association should be focused on serving the crime analysts community with different opportunities for professional learning, discussing and networking.

Let's get started!

Sign up for your free membership. Start also filling up the discussion forum with life and think about what you can bring in to help others to benefit from your experience!

But we will not only learn from each other: Our main partner is the European Forensic Institute (EFI). In the near future this university will provide us with high quality trainings, some free, some for a moderate rate. This year the EFI will start a masters course in Cyber Security. Digital Forensics and Crime Analysis.

Thank you for supporting our growing community!
